about "revers" ltd

Company "Revers" Ltd was founded in 1991. The company is engaged in professional refrigeration equipment and materials trade. Company "Revers" is the world's leading manufacturers with recognizable brands official representative in Latvia such as COPELAND (EMERSON), RIVACOLD, EMBRACO, DORIN, CHEMOURS, REFCO MANUFACTURING.

We offer a variety of products including refrigerants, refrigeration oils, freezing and cooling equipment, spare parts, service tools, automation and all the necessary for mounting and installation.

If You are interested in equipment commercial offer or calculation of relevant equipment is needed, we are looking forward to receive Your detailed technical inquiry on our email revers@apollo.lv Our proffesionals are well in various manufacturers's products ranges and are always ready to help you to find an appropriate solution and make offer which fits your demand best.

"revers" ltd.

katlakalna 4c, rīga, lv-1073, latvija

phone +371 67248316

e-mail revers@apollo.lv


SIA Firma "Revers"

Registration number
VAT number
+371 672 48 316
Mobile phone
+371 223 07 212
+371 672 49 062
Katlakalna ielā 4c, Rīga, LV-1073, Latvija

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